The Most Beautiful Goal Ever Scored, Ranked

Choose the goal you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 23, 2024 06:18
The beauty of a soccer goal lies not just in its execution but also in the joy and unforgettable memories it creates. Debating over which goal stands out as the most stunning is a common pastime among fans around the world. By ranking these moments, we establish a unique record that reflects collective admiration and the historical importance of each goal. Your participation shapes this evolving list. As you cast your vote, you directly influence which goals are celebrated and remembered. This dynamic interaction not only keeps the listing current but also ensures that it represents a wide range of perspectives, making the ranking as comprehensive and representative as possible.

What Is the Most Beautiful Goal Ever Scored?

  1. 1

    Cristiano Ronaldo vs Porto (2009)

    A long-range strike from 40 yards out in the Champions League, showcasing Ronaldo's power and accuracy.
    • Tournament: UEFA Champions League
    • Date: 15 April 2009
  2. 2

    Roberto Carlos vs France (1997)

    A physics-defying free kick from 35 meters out that swerved dramatically.
    • Tournament: Tournoi de France
    • Date: 3 June 1997
  3. 3

    Diego Maradona vs England (1986)

    Known as the 'Goal of the Century', Maradona dribbled past five England players to score.
    • Tournament: 1986 FIFA World Cup
    • Date: 22 June 1986
  4. 4

    Lionel Messi vs Getafe (2007)

    A goal often compared to Maradona's 'Goal of the Century' for its solo effort.
    • Tournament: Copa del Rey
    • Date: 18 April 2007
  5. 5

    George Weah vs Verona (1996)

    A remarkable solo goal where Weah ran the length of the pitch, showcasing his speed and skill.
    • Tournament: Serie A
    • Date: 8 September 1996
  6. 6

    Zinedine Zidane vs Bayer Leverkusen (2002)

    A stunning left-foot volley in the Champions League final that is considered one of the greatest goals.
    • Tournament: 2002 UEFA Champions League Final
    • Date: 15 May 2002
  7. 7

    Carlos Alberto vs Italy (1970)

    A culmination of a team effort, ending with a powerful strike by Carlos Alberto in the World Cup Final.
    • Tournament: 1970 FIFA World Cup
    • Date: 21 June 1970
  8. 8

    Dennis Bergkamp vs Argentina (1998)

    A display of incredible technique, controlling a long pass and finishing with finesse in the World Cup quarter-final.
    • Tournament: 1998 FIFA World Cup
    • Date: 4 July 1998
  9. 9

    Ronaldinho vs England (2002)

    A remarkable free-kick from 40 yards out that caught the goalkeeper off guard in the World Cup quarter-final.
    • Tournament: 2002 FIFA World Cup
    • Date: 21 June 2002
  10. 10

    Marco van Basten vs USSR (1988)

    An impossible angle volley in the Euro 1988 final, considered one of the best in the history of the tournament.
    • Tournament: Euro 1988
    • Date: 25 June 1988

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful goal ever scored. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or goal is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 13 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each goal once every 24 hours. The rank of each goal is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Goal Ever Scored

Cristiano Ronaldo vs Porto (2009)
Rank #1 for the most beautiful goal ever scored: Cristiano Ronaldo vs Porto (2009) (Source)
The beauty of a goal in soccer lies in its elegance and execution. Fans remember these moments for their skill, precision, and creativity. The best goals often come from a combination of individual brilliance and team coordination. They leave spectators in awe and create lasting memories.

Skillful dribbling is a key element in many beautiful goals. A player may weave through defenders with ease, showcasing control and balance. Each touch of the ball is precise, keeping it close while navigating around opponents. This display of technique sets the stage for a stunning finish.

Teamwork also plays a crucial role. A series of quick, accurate passes can dismantle even the most organized defense. Players move in sync, anticipating each other's actions. This fluid movement creates space and opportunities. When the final pass finds its target, the result is often a goal that seems effortless yet extraordinary.

The finish itself is the climax. A powerful strike from distance can leave the goalkeeper with no chance. The ball may curve or dip, making it even harder to stop. Alternatively, a delicate chip over the keeper or a precise shot into the corner can be just as breathtaking. The best finishes require not only power but also finesse and timing.

The context of the goal adds to its beauty. A last-minute winner in a crucial match can elevate a goal's significance. The pressure and stakes make the moment more intense. Scoring in such situations requires composure and confidence, traits that define great players.

The crowd's reaction is another important aspect. The roar of the fans amplifies the emotion of the moment. Their cheers and applause create an electric atmosphere. This collective response underscores the goal's impact and adds to its beauty.

Goals can also be beautiful for their creativity. An unexpected move or an unconventional finish can surprise everyone. These moments of innovation showcase a player's vision and inventiveness. They remind us that soccer is not just a game of physical prowess but also one of imagination.

The setting of the goal can enhance its beauty. A goal scored in a historic stadium or during a significant tournament carries extra weight. The backdrop of a packed arena or a scenic venue adds to the spectacle. These factors combine to create a memorable experience.

The most beautiful goals often become part of soccer lore. They are replayed and discussed for years. Fans and analysts dissect every detail, appreciating the skill and artistry involved. These goals inspire future generations and set benchmarks for excellence.

In the end, the beauty of a goal is subjective. Different fans appreciate different aspects. Some prefer the solo efforts, while others admire the intricate team play. What remains constant is the joy and wonder these moments bring. They remind us why we love the game and why it continues to captivate millions around the world.

The pursuit of the perfect goal drives players to push their limits. It fuels their ambition and creativity. Each beautiful goal is a testament to the dedication and passion that define soccer. These moments of brilliance are rare, but when they happen, they leave an indelible mark on the sport and its fans.

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