The Most Popular Hand Game, Ranked

Choose the hand game you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 22, 2024 06:41
Hand games, a form of entertainment and competition, have been a cornerstone of social gatherings and playgrounds for generations. They challenge quick thinking and manual dexterity, offering endless amusement and learning opportunities. As people from diverse cultures contribute their unique twists, the variety and popularity of these games continuously shift. This site harnesses the collective experiences of participants worldwide to dynamically rank these games based on your votes. By casting your vote, you help create a snapshot of the global favorites, aiding others in finding a new game to try. Your participation actively shapes this evolving guide, helping to refine and enhance the appreciation of hand games globally.

What Is the Most Popular Hand Game?

  1. 1


    A hand game for two players, where players extend a number of fingers from each hand, with the goal to capture all fingers of the opponent.
    • Alternative Names: Sticks, Swords, Hash
  2. 2

    Thumb War

    A game played by two players in a tournament called a thumb-a-war (or thumb war) where the players face each other and attempt to pin the opponent's thumb beneath his own for a count of three.
    • Also Known As: Pea-Knuckle
  3. 3

    Hand Cricket

    A popular game among children in India, simulating cricket, where fingers are used to score runs and determine outs.
    • Origin: India
  4. 4

    Finger Knitting

    A form of knitting where a yarn is weaved into a textile or fabric using only hands and fingers, without the use of needles.
    • Skill Level: Beginner
  5. 5


    A game where players take turns swiping at each other's hands, trying to touch them while avoiding being touched.
    • Objective: To be the last remaining hand
  6. 6

    Paper Football

    A tabletop game played with a folded paper 'football' with the objective of scoring by flicking the paper football across the table past the opponent's goal.
    • Typical Playing Surface: Table or flat surface
  7. 7

    Rock Paper Scissors

    A hand game usually played between two people, where players simultaneously form one of three shapes with an outstretched hand.
    • Origin: China
    • Popular Variations: Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
  8. 8


    A game where two players grasp each other's hands and try to bend them back to the point of the opponent surrendering due to pain.
    • Game Type: Physical strength
  9. 9


    Also known as 'Red Hands' or 'Hot Hands', it's a game where two players take turns slapping each other's hands.
    • Objective: To avoid getting slapped
  10. 10

    Shadow Puppets

    A game where players use their hands to form shapes representing animals or figures on a wall, using a light source.
    • Origin: China and India

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular hand game. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or handgame is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 14 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each handgame once every 24 hours. The rank of each handgame is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Hand Game

Rank #1 for the most popular hand game: Chopsticks (Source)
Hand games have been a part of human culture for a long time. These games often involve simple rules and require no special equipment. They are easy to learn and fun to play. People of all ages enjoy them. They can be played anywhere, making them very accessible.

Children often play hand games in schoolyards. These games help them bond with peers. They also help develop coordination and rhythm. Some games involve clapping in patterns. Others require quick reflexes. Many hand games have songs or chants that go with them. These add to the fun and help players keep the rhythm.

Hand games vary from place to place. Different cultures have their own versions. Some games have been passed down through generations. These games can teach us about the past. They show how people entertained themselves before modern technology. They also show how simple activities can bring joy.

Adults play hand games too. They can be a form of stress relief. They can also be a way to connect with others. In some cultures, hand games are part of traditional celebrations. They can be a way to share heritage and keep traditions alive.

Hand games are not just for fun. They can have educational value. They can help improve memory and concentration. They can also teach social skills. Players must take turns and follow rules. This can help build respect and cooperation.

In recent years, hand games have seen a resurgence. People are looking for simple, screen-free activities. Hand games fit this need well. They require no batteries or internet. They can be played anywhere, anytime.

Some hand games have become popular through social media. Videos of people playing them can go viral. This has helped spread these games to new audiences. People can learn new games and share them with friends.

Hand games are a timeless form of entertainment. They are simple, yet engaging. They can be played by anyone, anywhere. They bring people together and create lasting memories. Whether in a schoolyard, at a family gathering, or during a break at work, hand games continue to be a beloved pastime.

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