The Most Difficult Song in Project Sekai, Ranked

Choose the song you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 25, 2024 06:33
Many gamers find themselves at a crossroads, attempting to perfect every note in challenging songs within games like Project Sekai. Knowing which songs are deemed the hardest can set a clear objective, guiding efforts and practice sessions. This insight is not only a tool for personal achievement but also fosters a sense of community as players compare experiences and strategies. Our dynamic list reflects the collective opinion of players from around the globe, offering a snapshot of the current consensus on song difficulty. By voting for the songs you struggle with the most, you contribute to a broader understanding of the game's challenges. This can help newcomers identify which songs might require extra focus and allow seasoned players to measure their skills against the community benchmarks.

What Is the Most Difficult Song in Project Sekai?

  1. 1

    Ghost Rule

    Ghost Rule is characterized by its fast-paced notes and the need for precise timing to hit all the notes correctly.
    • Difficulty Level: Master
    • BPM: 210
  2. 2


    Known for its extremely fast pace and complex patterns, VIVID WORLD is often regarded as the most challenging song in Project Sekai.
    • Difficulty Level: Master
    • BPM: 152
  3. 3


    Hibana stands out for its intense speed and the precision required to navigate its note sequences.
    • Difficulty Level: Master
    • BPM: 165
  4. 4

    Lost One's Weeping

    This song is notorious for its sudden changes in tempo and rhythm, making it a formidable challenge.
    • Difficulty Level: Master
    • BPM: 205
  5. 5


    Roki challenges players with its quick note sequences and demanding rhythm, requiring quick reflexes.
    • Difficulty Level: Master
    • BPM: 150
  6. 6


    Blessing's complexity comes from its intricate note patterns that require high levels of dexterity to master.
    • Difficulty Level: Master
    • BPM: 128
  7. 7


    Teo is a test of endurance and skill, with its long duration and complex note patterns that require sustained focus.
    • Difficulty Level: Master
    • BPM: 154
  8. 8

    Alien Alien

    Alien Alien's difficulty lies in its unpredictable note patterns and the need for players to adapt quickly.
    • Difficulty Level: Master
    • BPM: 152
  9. 9

    Happy Synthesizer

    Despite its cheerful tone, Happy Synthesizer offers a challenge with its fast notes and rhythm changes.
    • Difficulty Level: Master
    • BPM: 128
  10. 10

    Bring It On

    With its rapid notes and tricky rhythms, Bring It On is a test of both speed and precision.
    • Difficulty Level: Master
    • BPM: 205

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult song in Project Sekai. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 6 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


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More about the Most Difficult Song in Project Sekai

Project Sekai is a rhythm game that challenges players with its diverse song list. Some songs stand out due to their complexity. These tracks demand precision, speed, and dexterity. Players often discuss which song is the most difficult. This debate highlights the game's appeal to both casual and hardcore fans.

The hardest song in Project Sekai features rapid notes and intricate patterns. It tests even the most skilled players. The notes come fast and require quick reflexes. Players must stay focused and keep their timing perfect. Missing a few notes can lead to failure.

The complexity of the hardest song lies in its varied rhythms. The song changes tempo often, keeping players on their toes. It mixes slow, deliberate notes with bursts of fast sequences. This contrast makes it hard to predict and master. Players need to adapt quickly to these shifts.

The note patterns in the hardest song are another challenge. They include taps, holds, and slides. Each type of note requires a different technique. Taps need precise timing. Holds require sustained pressure. Slides demand smooth, continuous movement. Combining these techniques is tough, especially at high speeds.

The hardest song also features complex visual cues. Notes appear in different parts of the screen. Players must track these notes while maintaining their rhythm. This multi-tasking adds another layer of difficulty. It requires sharp hand-eye coordination and quick thinking.

Many players practice for hours to master the hardest song. They break it down into sections and focus on the toughest parts. Repetition helps them build muscle memory. This dedication shows the game's challenging nature. It also fosters a strong community of players who share tips and strategies.

Some players use tools to improve their skills. They watch videos of top players to learn their techniques. They use practice modes to slow down the song and study the note patterns. These methods help them understand the song better and improve their performance.

The hardest song in Project Sekai is a testament to the game's design. It pushes the limits of what players can achieve. It offers a sense of accomplishment for those who can master it. This challenge keeps players engaged and striving for improvement.

The game's developers continue to add new songs, each with its own challenges. This keeps the game fresh and exciting. Players never know what new hurdles they will face. The hardest song today may be surpassed by an even tougher one tomorrow.

Project Sekai's hardest song is a symbol of the game's appeal. It combines music, rhythm, and skill in a way that captivates players. It offers a challenge that is both frustrating and rewarding. For many, mastering it is a badge of honor. It represents the peak of their abilities and the dedication they have to the game.

In conclusion, the hardest song in Project Sekai stands out for its demanding nature. It challenges players with its speed, complexity, and varied note patterns. It requires practice, focus, and skill to master. This challenge is a key part of what makes Project Sekai a beloved game for rhythm enthusiasts.

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